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Sustainable Success Series Featuring: Lisa Bigoni, Stok'd Cannabis

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Lisa Bigioni, the passionate and visionary owner of Stok'd Cannabis, is a true force to be reckoned with in the cannabis industry. With her unwavering commitment to excellence and her deep understanding of the plant's potential, Lisa has successfully established herself as a trailblazer in the field.

Stokd Interior 3

Stok'd Cannabis' Niagara Falls Location offers a truly immersive and unforgettable experience for cannabis enthusiasts. As you step into this unique establishment, you will be transported to a tranquil camping retreat, complete with the cozy charm of 2 Adirondack chairs. Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Niagara Falls, this cannabis haven captures the essence of nature and relaxation.

Stokd exterior
The folks at Stok’d are well equipped to handle all your cannabis needs. Enjoying cannabis around Canadian campfires (and other inconspicuous places) for decades.
Stokd Interior
What better embodies the essence of camping and cannabis than a canoe? Discover the iconic canoe designs available at all Stok'd locations, adding a touch of signature style to your outdoor adventures.
stokd Canoe
Stok'd locations boast an array of breathtaking natural tones, cultivating a tranquil and inviting atmosphere that appeals to both newcomers and seasoned industry professionals.


Today, we are excited to introduce Lisa Bigioni, the owner of Stok'd Cannabis, located in Scarborough and Niagara Falls, Ontario. Lisa is a passionate advocate for sustainability and has been making waves in the cannabis industry with her commitment to reducing waste and promoting responsible packaging practices.

When asked about her motivation to get involved in the cannabis industry, Lisa shared, "My husband and I each submitted an application for the Ontario Retail License lottery in 2019, and I was one of the lucky 25 who won!" Since then, Lisa has been dedicated to navigating the challenges and opportunities in this newly legalized industry.

One of the most interesting aspects of working in the cannabis industry for Lisa is being part of a newly legal and evolving sector. She embraces the opportunity to be at the forefront of shaping the industry's future, while still working out the kinks along the way.

At Stok'd Cannabis, Lisa's favorite part of her work is engaging with customers and hearing their stories about the wonders of cannabis. It's the personal connections and positive impact on people's lives that fuel her passion for the industry.

When it comes to sustainability, Lisa recognizes the negative environmental impact of the packaging requirements in the cannabis industry. She believes that having a recycling program in their stores is crucial to remind both staff and customers of the need to pay attention to our impact on the planet. Lisa's vision is to turn the waste generated from cannabis packaging into something productive, instead of allowing it to contribute to the destructive cycle of landfill waste.

In order to reduce the amount of packaging destined for landfills, Lisa emphasizes the importance of governments considering the environmental impact when making laws and regulations. Producers also need to think creatively within existing restrictions, while retailers play a crucial role in encouraging customers to recycle packaging as much as possible.

At [Re] Waste, we are proud to partner with sustainability champions like Lisa and Stok'd Cannabis. Through our recycling program, we are committed to supporting businesses in their efforts to reduce waste and create a more sustainable cannabis industry.

We encourage you to show your support for Lisa and Stok'd Cannabis, visit their retail store in Scarborough or Niagara Falls, Ontario. And don't forget to sign up for [Re] Waste's recycling program to join us on the journey towards a greener future. Together, we can make a difference!



Want to learn more about their products, services, or stories? Visit their page now

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