Your Plastic, Our Purpose
Help Us Create a Greener Tomorrow
Discover Our Sustainable Products

EcoBin Lite
Our retail program distributes specially designed boxes to retail businesses for convenient disposal of used packaging, promoting responsible recycling and a greener future. ndndndjnedjnejnde jndejndjnejn djnejndjendj rfrfrfrfrfr rfrfrf rffr rfr

EcoBin Plus
Our commercial program efficiently manages plastic waste up to 800 lbs, helping businesses achieve their sustainable initiatives. Contact us to design a recycling solution for your material.efe efefefefedfefefe efef fvfv jhbjhjh

EcoBin Max
Our industrial program effectively handles plastic waste weighing over 1,000 lbs, empowering businesses to meet their sustainability goals. Get in touch with us today to customize a recycling solution for your material. nidinefindnfejnefjnejnfejnejnfejnnnfnfn
Our Impact
Environmental Impact

537,000 lbs
plastics recycled
Carbon Impact

1,462,000 kgs
CO2 sequestered
Social Impact

200 hrs
worked with Goodwill Career Connections
[Re] News
[CBC News] The cannabis industry has a plastic waste problem — but some are finding solutions
[CBC News] Home-based recycling business hopes to make a dent in corporate plastic waste
[Global News] Recycling cannabis containers is booming business for Edmonton startup